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Dragon Boat Race Attracts 672 Local, Foreign Participants To Melaka
Festival Antarabangsa Sungai Melaka 2017
Festival Sungai Melaka Targets Over 1 Million Visitors
KL2017 Torch Carried Along the Melaka River
Melaka Will Receive 8,000 Tourists
PPSPM, Beaks Development to Build RM40m Creative Commercial Centre in Melaka
Ready to Accept Tourists
SEA Games Torch Gets Onboard the Melaka River Cruise
Sempena Hari Pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan

Dragon Boat Race Attracts 672 Local, Foreign Participants To Melaka

MELAKA, 19 November 2017 - The dragon boat race held in conjunction with the 11th Melaka River International Festival at the Melaka River estuary has drawn 672 participants from 48 teams.

Melaka River and Coastal Development Corporation (PPSPM) chief executive officer Nazary Ahmad said the winners who would take home the 'Asian Dragon Boat Award' and a cash prize of RM2,000 would be known late this evening.

He said the race is divided into two categories with the open category for teams outside of Melaka including foreigners while the closed category is for teams from the state and the champions of each category would battle for the challenge trophy.

"The dragon boat race is among 10 international events organised to attract tourist arrivals during the festival," he told reporters after flagging off the race here today.

He said among the local teams taking part included from Police, Malaysian Maritime Academy, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Universiti Multimedia and Universiti Kuala Lumpur while international participants are from Singapore, Brunei and Thailand.

- BERNAMA: https://goo.gl/VMHzb8
- BORNEO POST ONLINE: https://goo.gl/zBw2HV

Festival Antarabangsa Sungai Melaka 2017

AYER KEROH, 15 November 2017 - More than a million visitors within and outside the country are expected to flood the Festival Antarabangsa Sungai Melaka 2017 which lasts for 14 days, beginning tomorrow.

Chief Minister of Melaka, Datuk Seri Idris Haron said the eleventh annual event is a follow-up effort by the state government to attract more tourists to the state.

He said over 35 events were organised throughout the festival, including remote control boat competition, dragon boat race, decorated boat parade, kebaya queen and multi-racial arts performances.

"Most importantly, the festival, which will be officiated by Melaka's Head of State, His Excellency Tun Dr Mohd Khalil Yaakob; will feature the legendary Panglima Awang, which tells the story of a Malay warrior who was the first man to sail around the world in the 16th century.

"Enlivening the festival are popular local artistes Aiman ​​Tino, Azlan The Typewriter and Syafinaz Selamat, and also a lucky draw that offers gifts attracting visitors," he said at a media conference at Rumah Media Melaka today.

Minister of Tourism and Culture, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz is expected to attend the opening ceremony of the festival.

Meanwhile, Idris said the Media Resource Centre at Rumah Media Melaka would be upgraded with various facilities in the near future, thereby facilitating working media.

"This plan involves a number of special provisions that will be announced in the presentation of the state budget on 27 Novenmber," he said.

- BERITA HARIAN: https://goo.gl/KBkk3k

Festival Sungai Melaka Targets Over 1 Million Visitors

MELAKA, 15 November 2017 - The state government aims to attract over 1 million visitors from within and outside the country in conjunction with the 11th Festival Antarabangsa Sungai Melaka which starts tomorrow until 29 November.

Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Idris Haron said Melaka's Head of State, His Excellency Tun Dr Mohd Khalil Yaakob was scheduled to officiate the festival on Saturday (Nov 18) involving 25 domestic events and 10 international events.

"Among the events expected to attract visitors are two iconic events, namely the Decorated Boat Parade and Melaka Parade, which highlights the unique culture of the community in our multi-ethnic state," he said at a press conference today.

In addition, the Remote Control Boat Contest, the Dragon Boat Race, the Kebaya Queen and various cultural performances are expected to be well-received by visitors to the festival," he said.

Idris said the festival would also feature an epic historical theatre show on the first sail around the world titled Panglima Awang or 'Henry The Black'.

Meanwhile, he said he plans to upgrade Rumah Media Melaka in Ayer Keroh here to a 'Media Resource Centre' which will be the focus of state media practitioners by improving infrastructures, including increasing internet speeds. 

- BERNAMA: https://goo.gl/wmB6LB

KL2017 Torch Carried Along the Melaka River

MELAKA, 20 May 2017 - The Melaka River, which is the next destination for the Kuala Lumpur Torch Run 2017 (KL2017) saw exciting gimmicks today when a torch was carried along the river in a boat.

Melaka State Financial Officer, Datuk Roslan Ibrahim who carried the torch while gliding along the Melaka River onboard the Melaka River Cruise boat, handed the torch over to Daud Hassan, District Officer of Alor Gajah.
The torch was then brought from Kampung Morten Jetty before stopping at Restoran Melayu Melaka Jetty, Jalan Mutahir at Melaka Tengah, where the Fit Malaysia programme was held with more than 2,000 youth participants.

The torch run was launched earlier at Dataran Sungai Melaka by Member of the Senate, Senator Datuk Abidullah Salleh before arriving at the Kampung Morten Jetty.

Melaka is the second destination after Johor involved in the KL2017 Torch Run, organised by The Malaysia Organising Committee (MASOC) in conjunction with the 29th Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) and the 9th ASEAN Para Games.

The run started from Jasin on 18 May, before making its way to Melaka Tengah today and will continue its final leg to Alor Gajah, the last destination for the Hang Tuah state. 

The torch run is expected to continue to Negeri Sembilan this coming Monday.

Meanwhile, Johor hosted the first of the torch run series when it continued from the Rising Together Baton Run, which has crossed every Southeast Asian country since 5 March, starting from Brunei.

The baton was brought into Malaysia by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar after receiving it from the Minister of Culture, Community and Youth, Singapore, Grace Fu Hai Yien.

The baton was then switched to a torch and handed over to Johor Chief Minister's official representative, Datuk Zulkurnain Kamisan to mark the start of the Kuala Lumpur Torch Run 2017 (KL2017). 

The torch run is expected to finish at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium, Kuala Lumpur on 19 August in conjunction with the opening ceremony of the biennial games.

- BERITA HARIAN: https://goo.gl/j2NbHf

Melaka Will Receive 8,000 Tourists

MELAKA, 16 November 2017 - The state will receive a total of 8,000 tourists from the Northern Territory of India from January 19 to promote Malaysia 
as an international tourist destination.

Melaka State Tourism and Culture Director, Jeffri Munir said these tourists would further boost the country's tourism market, especially Melaka.

"This campaign was made possible with the efforts of Jejak Warisan Tours & Travel (JWWT) Sdn Bhd Melaka, supported by our Tourism Malaysia New Delhi Office through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ray Foundation New Delhi, signed on 8 October in Dehradun City, India.

"In order to complement these efforts, JWWT signed a Memorandum of Understanding today with several local product owners and entrepreneurs, as well as tourism attraction operators in the state of Melaka," he said.

He said this in a press conference before the MoU was signed between JWWT and several Melaka tourism attraction operators here today.

Also present were the General Manager of Melaka Museum Corporation (Perzim), Datuk Khamis Abas; Chief Executive Officer of Melaka River and Coastal Development Corporation (PPSPM), Nazary Ahmad, and President of The Indian Entrepreneurs Chamber of Malaysia (IEcM), K.A. Bharat.

Meanwhile, Jeffri said the collaborative effort also received strong support from the country's national carrier, Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB), which has daily access to the area.

"As a start, a delegation of 18 people from academic and entrepreneur groups from Uttarakhand, India, will make a tour of Malaysia, especially Melaka to have their own holiday experience here.

"The visit from 14 to 22 November is at the invitation of and fully funded by JWWT, IEcM Melaka and MAB," he said.

In the meantime, according to Jeffri, the Ministry is targeting a 10 per cent increase of Indian tourists to the country next year, following a 21.5 per cent decrease this year.

He said that as of January to August this year, Malaysia received 354,258 tourists from India as compared to 451,294 tourist over the same period last year.

Full Article: https://goo.gl/WuUjYC
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd 

PPSPM, Beaks Development to Build RM40m Creative Commercial Centre in Melaka

MELAKA, 12 July 2017 — The Melaka River and Coastal Development Corp (PPSPM) has teamed up with Beaks Development Sdn Bhd to build the state’s first creative commercial centre, Grand Pier Melaka.

Melaka Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Idris Haron, said the RM40 million project, located in the Unesco heritage site at the Dataran Muara Sungai Melaka and neighbouring Stadhuys and Jonker Street, would enhance tourism in the state.

He said the groundbreaking ceremony for the 1,950.96-square-metre project was scheduled for October 2017.

“The Grand Pier Melaka, which is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2018, will offer attractions like creative arts, local delicacies and fusion cuisine, including a modern shopping centre,” he said.

Idris said this at the signing of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) on the collaboration between PPSM and Beaks Development at the Seri Negeri complex here today.

PPSM Chief Executive Officer, Nazary Ahmad, and Beaks Development Sdn Bhd Director, Wayne Chan, signed the MOA.

Also present was State Deputy Executive Council for Tourism, Islands, Riverine and Coastal Development, Datuk Ghazale Muhamad.

Idris said the project comprised a three-storey building which would house a hotel, a shopping centre, a Melaka River Cruise operations centre, including an exclusive souvenir shop.

“The first two storeys would offer a food court and a gallery for local and international artists to exhibit their artworks and hold exclusive cultural performances,” he said.

The uppermost floor would be turned into modern boutique hotel decorated with modern and traditional artworks by local artists,” Idris said.

He said the project would be the platform and catalyst for economic-, commercial- and tourism-related activities around Bandar Hilir, and the state generally.

“Grand Pier Melaka would also house the Melaka River Patrol Unit operations centre which is tasked with overseeing the safety of all riverine activities including the famous Melaka River Cruise,” Idris said.


- MALAY MAIL ONLINE: https://goo.gl/97eGug

Ready to Accept Tourists

MELAKA, 20 November 2017 - In line with the declaration of 2020 as Visit Malaysia Year, the state government will take steps to improve facilities, infrastructure and quality of tourism services in the state.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron said the effort was due to the expected arrival of millions of foreign tourists during Visit Malaysia Year later.

According to him, the venture has actually started before, including the expansion of roads at all three tolls in the state.

Apart from that, he said the state government has also taken steps to provide alternative routes to the city centre, besides co-operating with
police and local authorities in efforts to monitor traffic through closed circuit television (CCTV).

"All this is in line with the declaration by our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on the Visit Malaysia Year presentation during the 2018 Budget recently.

"As a state of tourism, the state government welcomes this announcement and will give our full commitment to realise that goal," he said during the opening ceremony of the Festival Antarabangsa Sungai Melaka 2017 here last night."

"This is the 11th year of this annual event and will be held this year from November 16 to 29, involving 35 events and with 10 of them being main events."

According to Idris, in terms of accommodation facilities in the state, records show the number of hotel rooms have increased to almost 16,000
rooms from the last five years.

He said the influx of tourism has also benefited locals, especially tourism attraction operators, hotel operators and souvenir stores.

"The sincerity of the state government working in close collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture has promoted the state on the international stage, and this was evident last year when we hit a record high of tourist arrivals of 16.28 million, "he said.

- SINAR ONLINE: https://goo.gl/SwQzwp

SEA Games Torch Gets Onboard the Melaka River Cruise

MELAKA, 20 May 2017 - The SEA Games Torch 2017 (KL2017) was brought along the Melaka River about 500 metres from Kampung Morten Jetty to Dataran Restoran Melayu as part of the torch run gimmick today.

The torch was carried onboard the Melaka River Cruise by Melaka State Financial Officer, Datuk Roslan Ibrahim before it was handed over to Daud Hassan, District Officer of Alor Gajah.

Earlier, participants of the torch run ran over four kilometres from Dataran Sungai Melaka and was officiated by Member of the Senate, Senator Datuk Abidullah Salleh before arriving at Kampung Morten Jetty.

The torch run was then welcomed by 2,000 participants of the Fit Malaysia programme at Dataran Restoran Melayu Melaka before the torch was handed over to Daud. 

The gimmick was also witnessed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Datuk Lokman Hakim Ali.

Melaka is the second destination after Johor involved in the KL2017 Torch Run, organised by The Malaysia Organising Committee (MASOC) in conjunction with the 29th Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) and the 9th ASEAN Para Games.

Last Thursday saw the Kuala Lumpur Torch Run (KL2017) arriving in Melaka and handing it over to the Melaka representative at Laman Belia Sungai Rambai, before passing the torch to Negeri Sembilan's representative tomorrow. 


Full Article: https://goo.gl/GEiWCE
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd 

Sempena Hari Pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan

MALACCA, 20 FEBRUARY 2024 - In conjunction with Independence Day, Melaka River Cruise provides a Free Cruise Service for all local tourists. Melaka River Cruise took this initiative to realize the dream of YAB the Chief Minister of Melaka who wanted to provide services for free in conjunction with the day. This service is valid only on 20th February 2024 only.



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